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You are most likely thinking about the best movies to watch, but what is your opinion on movies about guns? Do you know what it takes to make a gun shoot in the movies? The introduction for this post could be about how realistic guns are in Hollywood. The introduction could also go into detail on how difficult it can be to film a gun scene, and then talk more specifically about why some directors choose not to include them at all. For example, Quentin Tarantino doesn't show any firearms on screen because he thinks they're "gratuitous". The first article of the series will discuss the criteria that action directors use to choose what scenes to include. One interesting thing you will see is that graphics are not as important as some people think. The more realistic a scene, the better it is. First, I will talk about why guns are removed from scenes, second I will describe some examples of Hollywood firearms theory and finally finish with an assessment of how movies on guns have progressed over the past years. One thing that can often be confusing about movies on guns is their logic behind not having them in scenes. For example, there are some movies where you see characters shoot at humans without any consequences. When you think about it, this can be seen as unrealistic. On the other hand, the most realistic movies on guns are those that show consequences for shooting. For example, movies like "Minority Report" didn't include any firearms because they wanted to show how hard it is to pull off a quick shot without anyone getting shot. There are many reasons why Hollywood award-winning films choose not to include guns in their films. Sometimes they're thought of as too violent. Other times creative directors think it's too much of a risk to shoot someone with a real gun, even if someone else holds the gun for them (e.g., "The Matrix" trilogy). In general, people think that gun scenes look fake and that the outcome of a gun shot will always be the same. The reason why guns aren't put on screen is firstly because the director thinks it's "gratuitous". In an interview with "Entertainment Weekly", director Quentin Tarantino talked about how gratuitous guns are on his films:Which ultimately leads to a problem for directors who want to include guns in their films. In order to shoot a realistic scene, you need real bullets as well as background noise. All these sound effects as well as having multiple hits from different weapons can be difficult to produce. So, to avoid those problems, some directors prefer to remove those scenes from their films completely. Another reason why guns are removed from scenes is because the director thinks it looks too fake. In the documentary "Blood In The Water – Revisiting the Film 'Minority Report'", John Ottman stated that "gun audio doesn't ring true". This is because guns don't have many different sounds to them besides firing a shot. Directors use a waveform analyzer to determine if a sound looks real or not. The third reason why guns are removed from scenes is because the director thinks it will make the audience tense or uncomfortable if they see a gun on screen. cfa1e77820